Birdorable Bonanza July 15th to 31st

We started Birdorable almost three years ago and in this time have created 183 different cute birds, from Abyssinian Lovebird to Zebra Finch. The first dozen birds we cutified were American backyard birds, like the Cardinal and Blue Jay, and almost all the others since have been requested by people visiting this website. Whether you have once purchased something from Birdorable or just like to visit our website for cute bird fun, we'd like to thank you with our upcoming ... (drum roll) ...Birdorable Bonanza! Starting this Wednesday, from July 15th to July 31st, we're going to add a brand-new cute bird species every day until we reach the 200th Birdorable bird at the end of this month. Check out this blog every day or follow us on Twitter to see all the new birds as they're added to the site starting tomorrow.

Upcoming Birdorable birds


Ashira on July 14, 2009 at 11:19 AM wrote:
I can't wait! :D Some sort of penguin, I think, second from the left...and is that third one a Cock-of-the-Rock? :3 Then a finch, sparrow, wren or something. All right, I'll stop guessing. ^___^
Cadence on September 19, 2020 at 10:22 PM wrote:
Parrot, penguin (rockhopper penguin), fancy hairdo bird, some "normal" bird idk. (wait, i don't know? is it a painted bunting? I named a painted bunting I Don't Know when I was a kid. ) I love ducks.

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It's 2013! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year and best wishes for 2013! We added almost 100 new birds on Birdorable last year, and updated many others. In the picture below you can see all the new bird species we added in 2012, from lovebirds to vultures. Click to embiggen.

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