Baby Birdorable: Black Stork

If you think our Birdorable birds are cute as adults, what about when they are babies? Below are some baby photos (shared via Flickr) of the Black Stork. Black Storks build large nests, typically in a very tall forest trees. Clutch size is usually 3-4 eggs; incubation lasts up to 38 days.

Black Stork (Ciconia nigra), Eastern Ardennes, Belgium
Black Stork, Eastern Ardennes, Belgium by Frank.Vassen [CC BY 2.0]
Junge Schwarzstörche (Ciconia nigra), Rocherath, Ostbelgien
Junge Schwarzstörche, Ostbelgien by Frank.Vassen [CC BY 2.0]
Junge Scharzstörche im Nest, Ostbelgien
Junge Scharzstörche im Nest, Ostbelgien by Frank.Vassen [CC BY 2.0]
Junge Schwarzstörche, Ostbelgien
Junge Schwarzstörche, Ostbelgien by Frank.Vassen [CC BY 2.0]
Junge Schwarzstörche, Ostbelgien
Junge Schwarzstörche, Ostbelgien by Frank.Vassen [CC BY 2.0]

Pretty cute, right? Be sure to check out our Birdorable Black Stork t-shirts and gifts!


Yellow bellied common jay on March 2, 2017 at 8:30 AM wrote:
Birds are so cool!

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