2023 Bonanza Bird #5

The Marvelous Spatuletail: A Tiny Bird with an Impressive Display

Our 2023 Birdorable Bonanza continues today with a tiny bird that makes a big impression with its impressive tail. It's the Marvelous Spatuletail!

Our newest addition to the Birdorable hummingbird family, this rare, endangered species is native to a small area in northern Peru, where it thrives in the humid montane forest habitat.

The most striking feature of the Marvelous Spatuletail is, naturally, its incredible tail. The males boast a spectacular tail with four elongated feathers, two of which end in spatula-like discs that they display in an intricate courtship dance. This dazzling feature sets them apart from any other bird species in the world.

Like most other species of hummingbird, the Marvelous Spatuletail primarily feed on nectar, fluttering from flower to flower with their long, slender beaks, and playing a crucial role in the pollination of these habitats.

The Marvelous Spatuletail is considered to be endangered, primarily due to habitat loss.

With the addition of this bird to our little flock, we now have 10 hummingbird species represented on Birdorable!

Cute Marvelous Spatuletail gifts

Guess tomorrow's bird ...

Are you ready to guess tomorrow's new Birdorable? This charming avian resident of southern Australia has a striking white face. It's often found in specific habitats, including open woodlands and grassy areas. Can you guess what bird it might be?


Tlatophus on December 1, 2023 at 3:25 PM wrote:
White-fronted Chat???

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