2023 Bonanza Bird #3

Introducing the Egyptian Goose: A Striking Waterfowl of Africa and Beyond

Today our Birdorable Bonanza continues with the addition of a striking species of waterfowl. We proudly welcome the Egyptian Goose to our cute bird family!

This is an intriguing and elegant bird that gracefully swims in the waterways of Africa and elsewhere. Originating from the Nile Valley, the species has extended its range to parts of Europe and other spots around the world.

This striking species, with its distinctive eye patches and chestnut-colored markings, is a great bird to find against the backdrop of rivers, lakes, and wetlands -- the freshwater habitats it prefers.

Despite its name, the Egyptian Goose is not a true goose but rather a member of the shelduck family. This adaptable bird, now found as far afield as parts of Europe, is known not only for its beauty but also for its assertive demeanor, especially when it comes to protecting its territory.

Cute Egyptian Goose gifts

Guess tomorrow's bird ...

Tomorrow's new Birdorable bird is an African resident known for its distinctive bill, specially adapted for a unique diet. It prefers wetlands, swamps, and shallow waters, where it can be spotted. Despite its monochromatic plumage, there's a certain elegance to its appearance. Tomorrow, we'll unveil this remarkable bird and its specialized bill. Can you guess what bird it might be?


Tlatophus on November 29, 2023 at 3:25 PM wrote:
African Openbill!
Brandon on November 29, 2023 at 4:11 PM wrote:
Next bird African Openbill
Birdorable on November 30, 2023 at 9:19 AM wrote:
You both got it right, Tlatophus and Brandon! We added the African Openbill today.

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