2023 Bonanza Bird #10

The Crested Pigeon: A Shimmering and Whistling Wonder from Down Under

Today we're wrapping up our 2023 Birdorable Bonanza with a highfalutin cutie -- the Crested Pigeon!

The Crested Pigeon, native to Australia, is a striking bird with a notable, namesake crest on its head. Besides the crest, the pretty pidge can be recognized by shimmering spots on its wings that shine green and purple in sunlight

Crested Pigeons are also noted for a sound they make: when they take flight their wings make a whistling sound. This sound serves as more than just a flight signal; it plays a crucial role in their communication, especially as a warning call. The intensity of this whistle varies with the speed of their wing beats - the faster they flap, the more urgent the warning. Check out this video explaining how it works:

Found in lightly wooded and grassy areas across most of mainland Australia, the Crested Pigeon feeds on the ground, primarily consuming seeds and grains. This diet makes it an important player in seed dispersal, aiding in the health of its habitat's vegetation.

And ... that's a wrap!

Thanks for following along on our latest installment of the Birdorable Bonanza! In the last 10 days we added 10 new bird species to Birdorable. We now have 785 species in our flock. 🎉 Wow, that's a lot! You can browse all our 785 cute Birdorable birds on our Meet the Birds page and learn about each one.

Crested Pigeon (Flickr, CC BY 2.0 Deed, copyright © patrickkavanagh)

Cute Crested Pigeon gifts


Woodpiecer on December 6, 2023 at 6:31 PM wrote:
Next year you got 23 birds in Birdorable Bonanza 2024. I also listed the birds next year such as the Black-and-yellow Silky-flycatcher, Black Grasswren and much more. I've heard of all of them and I got them all right in Birdorable Bonanza 2023.
Salsa Sabrina on February 1, 2024 at 4:53 AM wrote:
Next year got 15 new birds in Birdorable Bonanza 2024. Also listed birds are missing such as Yellow - Crowned night heron, White - throated magpie Jay and many more. We.ll have collection featuring whooping 800 different bird species. Please
Woodpiecer on February 2, 2024 at 7:47 PM wrote:
Sure, Salsa Sabrina. We have a lot of birds joining in Birdorable Bonanza 2024!
Salsa Sabrina on February 11, 2024 at 12:02 AM wrote:
Next year got 15 or 20 new birds in Birdorable Bonanza 2024. Also listed birds are missing such as Yellow - Crowned night heron, White - throated magpie jay, Lazuli bunting Turquoise - browed motmot, Ringed Kingfisher and many more. We'll have collection featuring whooping 800 or 805 different bird species. Please
Davier Tay on February 13, 2024 at 5:23 PM wrote:
Salsa, more than that.
Salsa Sabrina on February 17, 2024 at 7:30 AM wrote:
Next this year got 15 or 20 new birds in Birdorable Bonanza 2024. Also listed birds are missing such as Yellow - Crowned night heron, White - throated magpie jay, Lazuli bunting, Turquoise - browed motmot and Ringed Kingfisher. We'll have collection featuring whooping 800 or 805 different bird species. Please birdorable
Woodpiecer on February 19, 2024 at 6:59 AM wrote:
I also hope so, Salsa. Let's have some birds joining in such as the Black-bellied Bustard, Black-faced Antbird, Great-billed Heron, Alor Boobook, and many more, please, Birdorable?
Salsa Sabrina on February 19, 2024 at 6:02 PM wrote:
Hello birdorable can add 20 new birds in Birdorable Bonanza 2024. such as Rufous hornero, Southern lapwing, Bare - throated bellbird, Venezuelan troupial, Clay - colored thrush, Turquoise - browed motmot, Palmchat and Cuban trogon. Please birdorable
Woodpiecer on February 20, 2024 at 8:16 AM wrote:
Salsa, the list of birds in this Bonanza is the Salvin's Albatross, Northern Brown-throated Weaver, Black-headed Berryeater, White-bellied Kingfisher, Fork-tailed Sunbird, Vegetarian Finch, Red-tailed Newtonia, Naumann's Thrush, White-collared Manakin, Blue Cuckooshrike, Talaud Kingfisher, Western Sandpiper, Samoan Starling, Blue-throated Brown Sunbird, Graceful Pitta, Asian Desert Warbler, Lucy's Warbler, Sao Francisco Sparrow, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, and Spotted Honeyeater. Please, Birdorable???
Salsa Sabrina on February 21, 2024 at 1:56 AM wrote:
Next this year got 30 new birds in Birdorable Bonanza 2024. The list of birds in this Bonanza Such as Rufous-Bellied Thrush, Rufous Hornero, Southern Lapwing, Bare-Throated Bellbird, Venezuelan Troupial, Clay-Colored Thrush, Turquoise-Browed Motmot, Palmchat, Cuban Trogon, Yellow-Crowned Night Heron, Lazuli Bunting, Lark Bunting, Bushtit, Violet-Purple Swallow, Swamp Sparrow, Bewick's wren, Black-Headed Grosbeak, Bullock's Oriole, House Finch, Brown Creeper, Townsend's Warbler, Cactus Wren, Yellow-Rumped Warbler, Varied Thrush, California Towhee, American Bittern, Agami Heron, Sunbittern, Fiery-Throated Hummingbird and White-Throated Magpie Jay. Also have Collection featuring whooping 835 different bird species. Please birdorable???
Salsa Sabrina on February 21, 2024 at 9:52 AM wrote:
Oh, I'm wrong name of Violet-Purple Swallow, name correct is Violet-Green Swallow.
Salsa Sabrina on February 22, 2024 at 12:59 AM wrote:
Hello birdorable can adding 30 new birds in Birdorable Bonanza 2024. The list of birds in this Bonanza Such as Rufous-Bellied Thrush, Rufous Hornero, Southern Lapwing, Bare-Throated Bellbird, Venezuelan Troupial, Clay-Colored Thrush, Turquoise-Browed Motmot, Palmchat, Cuban Trogon, Yellow-Crowned Night Heron, Lazuli Bunting, Lark Bunting, Bushtit, Violet-Green Swallow, Swamp Sparrow, Bewick's Wren, Black-Headed Grosbeak, Bullock's Oriole, House Finch, Brown Creeper, Townsend's Warbler, Cactus Wren, Yellow-Rumped Warbler, Varied Thrush, California Towhee, American Bittern, Agami Heron, Sunbittern, Fiery-Throated Hummingbird and White-Throated Magpie Jay. Also have collection featuring whooping 815 different bird species, Please birdorable???
Salsa Sabrina on February 24, 2024 at 2:04 AM wrote:
Oh, Sorry I'm wrong of have collection featuring whooping 835 different bird species, name correct is have collection featuring whooping 815 different bird species.
Woodpiecer on February 25, 2024 at 6:55 AM wrote:
Have fun listing all species of birds in Birdorable. Starts November 15, 2024 to December 25, 2024. Revealing 40 days on the ULTIMATE BIRDORABLE BONANZA!!! Please, Birdorable???
Salsa Sabrina on February 25, 2024 at 6:11 PM wrote:
Next this year got 40 new birds in Birdorable Bonanza 2024. The list of birds in this Bonanza Such as Rufous-Bellied Thrush, Rufous Hornero, Southern Lapwing, Bare-Throated Bellbird, Venezuelan Troupial, Clay-Colored Thrush, Turquoise-Browed Motmot, Palmchat, Cuban Trogon, Yellow-Crowned Night Heron, American Bittern, Lazuli Bunting, Lark Bunting, Bushtit, Violet-Green Swallow, Swamp Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, Harris's Sparrow, Orange-Crowned Warbler, Townsend's Warbler, Yellow-Rumped Warbler, Pine Warbler, Bewick's Wren, Cactus Wren, House Wren, House Finch, Black-Headed Grosbeak, Bullock's Oriole, Hooded Oriole, Brown Thrasher, Curve-Billed Thrasher, Brown Creeper, Lesser Goldfinch, Verdin, Sunbittern, Bare-Throated Tiger Heron and White-Throated Magpie Jay. Also have collection featuring whooping 825 different bird species, Please birdorable???
Woodpiecer on March 1, 2024 at 3:01 AM wrote:
MORE BIRDS!!!!! Such as Striped-throated Hermit, African Green Bee-eater, Maroon-belted Chat-Tyrant and MORE and MORE AND MORE AND MORE!!!! Please...... Birdorable?????
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