2020 Bonanza Bird #14: White-eyed Vireo

Today we’re adding a species found across a wide range in the eastern United States: the White-eyed Vireo!
White-eyed Vireos are found in scrubby forest habitat. They are migratory, with their winter range extending down into Central America and the Caribbean. They eat a variety of insects.
Often heard before they are seen, if they are seen at all, White-eyed Vireos have a distinctive song. Birders remember the White-eyed Vireo’s vocalization by employing some funny mnemonics, including the rude-sounding “Spit! See if I care! Spit!”

Tomorrow’s new species is a type of corvid (crow family) with an extremely long tail. It is named for the color of its beak and the color of most of its feathers. Can you guess the bird?

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