2018 Bonanza Bird #6: Chipping Sparrow

Cute Birdorable Chipping Sparrow

Today's new Birdorable species is a small New World sparrow: the Chipping Sparrow!

Chipping Sparrows have a widespread range across much of North America, and into Central America. Chippies are migratory through much of their range; some birds in Central America appear to be year-round residents.

Chipping Sparrows usually nest low in trees but have been recorded nesting on the ground or in unusual spots like inside buildings and among decorative foliage. They typically lay 3-4 eggs per clutch.

Chipping Sparrow by California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CC BY 2.0)

During the time when horses were more commonly used as transportation, Chipping Sparrows would be observed gathering horse hair to line their nests. This behavior gave them the old colloquial name of "hair bird."

Tomorrow we'll add a species of myna to Birdorable. These birds are known for their exceptional ability to mimic sounds. Do you know the species?

Cute Chipping Sparrow Gifts


Spurwing Plover on May 20, 2022 at 11:47 PM wrote:
I have heard a Song Sparrow ina small pine right along side a street heading to the Outsrirks of town

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