2013 Bonanza Bird #28: Hawfinch

We're adding new birds each day until we reach our 500th Birdorable species! Today's Bonanza bird is the Hawfinch.


Look at that massive bill! Hawfinches are bulky birds, with large heads and stout bodies. Their large finch beaks have a metallic look to them. Hawfinches feed on hard seeds, including cherry pits and olive pits.

Hawfinch - Kisjuszallas - Hungary_S4E0991
Hawfinch by  Francesco Veronesi (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Hawfinches are social, often feeding in groups -- especially in the winter. They tend to be shy around people, but will visit feeding stations that offer seeds.

Hawfinch merchandise

Tomorrow we'll add a somewhat elusive species of heron found in the Americas. It's a small one!




ILOVEBIRDS! on August 5, 2013 at 5:32 AM wrote:
CUTE!I may be male,but i still LOVE!!!!!! Birds!!!!!!!
Spurwing Plover on May 8, 2022 at 7:30 AM wrote:
they can easly crack a Cherry Pit

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