2015 Bonanza Bird #16: American Pipit

Our Birdorable Bonanza: 2015 Advent Edition continues today with a widespread species of songbird: the American Pipit!

Birdorable American Pipit

American Pipits are small- to medium-sized songbirds found on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. Outside of North America the species is known as the Buff-bellied Pipit.

The American Pipit is a migratory species. In North America, the pipits breed in tundra and alpine habitat across Canada and Alaska. They winter as far south as Central America. Birds on the other side of the ocean, in Asia, also breed in alpine or tundra habitat, as far north as Sibera. These birds winter in southern parts of Asia, including on the Indian subcontinent.

American Pipits spend a lot of time on the ground. Nesting occurs in a shallow cup made of dried vegetation built directly on the ground. Feeding also frequently takes place on the ground, where they glean prey items from low-hanging vegetation or ground cover.

American Pipit - Olympic NP - Washington_S4E2905
American Pipit by Francesco Veronesi (CC BY-SA 2.0)
American Pipit
American Pipit by Nick Varvel (CC BY 2.0)

The American Pipit is our 632nd Birdorable bird. Be sure to check out our collection of apparel and gifts featuring the Birdorable American Pipit!

Our Bonanza continues tomorrow with a wild and crazy duck. Can you guess tomorrow's species?


???c????? ????? (White-throated Sparrow) on December 16, 2015 at 4:26 PM wrote:
Well... At least it's a pipit/wagtail... what I thought it was. Anyways, it's Donald Duck for the unknown one. XD
Louise Warner on February 27, 2017 at 6:32 PM wrote:
Harlequin duck?
Spurwing Plover on June 30, 2022 at 10:56 PM wrote:
In Australia they have the Willy Wagtail

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